December 1978 05 PIAs Simplified Machine Code A description and overview of the functions of a PIA - Peripheral Interface Adapter.
January 1979 08 TRITON Software - Monitor Machine Code An in-depth look at using the Monitor program of the TRITON microcomputer.
February 1979 13 Program Development Machine Code A report on the facilities and use of the MIKBUG operating system for Motorola computer systems.
  38 Softspot Machine Code A description of a graphics subroutine for the ETI TRITON microcomputer.
April 1979 14 NASCOM Package Machine Code A program to assist organising a personal budget for the NASCOM 1
May 1979 33 Crosshatch Generator Machine Code Producs four different crosshatch patterns for aligning television sets.
  33 RAM Test Machine Code A program to test the RAM in a NASCOM 1. Writes FF and 00 one after another into each RAM location, reading back what was stored to verify correct RAM working.
  34 Etch-a-Sketch Machine Code An emulation of the children's toy of the same name on a TRITON computer.
  36 Knight's Tour Machine Code A version of the Knight's Tour problem written for the LED outputs of the KIM 1.
  38 Maze Machine Code Negotiate a maze without being eaten and without falling down any holes.
  40 File Finder Machine Code A program to list the names of files stored on a cassette tape by the TRITON microcomputer.
  68 NASCOM Tunes Machine Code A constructional and programming article to produce sound from the NASCOM 1.
June 1979 54 NASCOM Package Machine Code An educational program for the NASCOM 1. Just a quiz really.
  63 Prang Machine Code A constructional and programming article about building a random number generator for a range of microcomputers.
July 1979 25 Random Number Generator Machine Code A subroutine to provide pseudo random numbers for the NASCOM 1.
  25 TRITON Breakpoint Routine Machine Code How to make a BREAK handler routine to examine TRITON registers during program execution.
  27 NASCOM Package Machine Code A NASCOM sort routine.
  47 Hanoi Tower Machine Code A version of the classic Towers of Hanoi puzzle.
  53 Motorola D2 Machine Code Part 2 of the series on programming the Motorola D2 microcomputer which uses a 6800 microprocessor.
August 1979 17 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code Part 2 of the series looking at and investigating the workings of microprocessors. Looking at the 8060 mpu.
  41 Motorola PIAs Machine Code An explanation of the function of the MC6821 PIA.
  62 NASCOM Tele-Test Machine Code Check out the operation of your CRT using this NASCOM 1 program.
September 1979 25 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code Part 3 of the series of experiments with microprocessors.
October 1979 46 Etch-A-Sketch Machine Code A version of Etch-a-Sketch to run on the NASCOM 1 computer with a T2 monitor.
  59 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code Part 4 of the series looks at logical operations on the SC/MP microprocessor.
  64 Intelligent Tabulate for NASCOM Machine Code A no frills disassembler for NASCOM 1 machine code outputting the diassembly in a properly formatted style.
  66 NASCOM Scheduler Machine Code A program scheduler written for the NASCOM 1 which uses the on-board PIO to generate interrupts to switch between up to 5 program tasks.
November 1979 16 Turing Machines Machine Code A discussion of Turing Machines and a program to simulate a Turing Machine on the NASCOM 1.
  31 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code Part 4 of the series looking at how microprocessors work.
  47 Number Cruncher Machine Code A constructional programming project to add the calculating power of the CBM 6120R calculator to the NASCOM 1.
  62 TRITON Typecast Machine Code How to interface a Creed 7B teleprinter with the TRITON.
December 1979 20 AIM65 Machine Code A review of the Rockwell AIM65 microcomputer. Adding bubble memory to the AIM65.
  29 Acorn File Namer Machine Code Save and load named cassette files on the Acorn System 1.
  70 Graphics Unit Machine Code A constructional article to build a memory mapped graphics unit for the NASCOM 1.
  76 NASCOM Life Machine Code An implementation of Conway's Life game on the Nascom 1.
January 1980 26 Projector Controller Machine Code A constructional and programming article to build a slide controller for a NASCOM 1.
  31 SC/MP Addressing Machine Code A look at addressing modes for the SC/MP microprocessor.
  50 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code A look at the microprocessor of the Science of Cambridge MK14.
February 1980 16 Logic Emulator Machine Code A program that emulates various logic functions on the NASCOM 1. Written in machine code.
  23 Stop Clock Machine Code A program to convert the KIM1 to become a digital stop clock. Written in 6502 machine code.
  24 T4 Review Machine Code A review of the T4 monitor program for the NASCOM 1.
  36 Scampscope Routine Machine Code A machine code program to turn the MK 14 into a simple storage oscilloscope.
  36 Missile Shoot Machine Code A game program in which you have to launch all 8 of your missiles.
  58 Trailing Machine Code A program to provide a text-based trailer for the next program on a cassette tape.
  68 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code The MK 14 instruction set.
March 1980 12 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code Controlling the MK 14 display LEDs.
  30 Space Invaders Machine Code An implementation of the game Space Invaders.
  41 TRITON Strings Machine Code A machine code routine to give limited string handling capabilty.
  62 NAS Read Machine Code A program to provide a reliable 2400 Baud tape interface for the NASCOM 1.
April 1980 14 Machine Code Course Machine Code A beginner's course in writing in machine code heavily biased towards the Z80.
  22 Second Bit Machine Code A machine code routine to display the PET memory on screen from anywhere in the memory map.
  40 24 Hour Clock Machine Code A 24 hour clock display written for use with the NASCOM Scheduler (sic).
  42 MK14 Ambush Machine Code A space ambush game for the MK14 written in machine code.
  43 INTAB MOD Machine Code An extension to the NASCOM 1 Intelligent Tabulator program (sic).
  43 TRITON Cassette Check Machine Code A program to provide error checking facilities when loading or saving programs; written in TRITON machine code.
  44 Stopwatch Machine Code A stop watch program for the NASCOM computer written in machine code.
  45 SC/MP Dice Machine Code A machine code routine written for the MK14 which simulates the throwing of two dice.
  46 NASForte Machine Code A machine code program to turn the NASCOM keyboard into a two octave organ.
  49 Opcode Display Machine Code A machine code program to display opcodes to represent a program in memory in an Acorn System 1.
  49 Text Edit Machine Code A text editing program written for the NASCOM in machine code.
  55 Pico BASIC Machine Code Implementing a pico version of standard BASIC on the MK14.
  61 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code A program to search memory for a pattern of bytes.
May 1980 26 Machine Code Machine Code A look at the form of machine code instructions.
  38 Microlink Machine Code A constructional article to provide a triggered input to the MK14 when sound is present.
  62 MK14 Cassette Interface Machine Code A constructiional article to add a cassette tape interface to the MK14.
  68 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code Data processing routines in machine code are examined.
June 1980 17 Machine Code Machine Code Part three of the series on machine code programming looks at outputting information on the VDU screen.
  59 MPUs by Experiment Machine Code Looking at interrupts and interrupt handlers in microprocessors.
  62 Another Brick in the Wall Machine Code A demolition game for the MK14 written in machine code.
July 1980 34 Machine Code Machine Code Program development using flowcharts.
  39 Softspot Machine Code A machine code routine to drive a Centronics P1 printer from a NASCOM port.
  41 Kingdoms Machine Code A version of the game Kingdoms written for the NASCOM 1 in machine code.
  47 Microlink Machine Code Adding an electronic thermometer to the MK14 and the machine code driver routine.
  63 NASCOM Trace Machine Code A trace facility for the NASCOM 1 written in machine code.
August 1980 35 Acorn Clock Machine Code A machine code program to implement a real-time clock on the Acorn System 1.
  36 Microlink Machine Code A constructional article to add a DAC and amplifier to the Acorn System 1 along with driver programs.
  44 Machine Code Machine Code A machine code program to print a calendar for any year on the NASCOM.
  56 Micrographics Report Machine Code A short review of the Micrographics colour board for the NASCOM 1.
September 1980 35 Othello Machine Code A machine code program to implement the game Othello on the NASCOM 1
  48 Microlink Machine Code Part 2 of a constructional article to add a DAC and amplifier to the Acorn System 1 along with driver programs.
October 1980 18 Copy Utility Machine Code A routine written in machine code to copy files from one disc to another for a TRITON system.
  39 User Keys for TRS-80 Machine Code A machine code program to provide user definable keys for the TRS-80.
  53 Microlink Machine Code A look at interrupts on a MK14 using the TGS1 gas detector.
  60 Life Gun Machine Code A machine code routine to speed up the entry of the starting position for Conway's Life game on the Microtan.
November 1980 23 Analogue Convertor Machine Code Constructional and programming details of how to add the LD130 ADC chip to the PET IEEE bus.
  34 Space Invasion Machine Code A constructional project to add a game playing keypad and sound facility to the Micron/Microtan 65 computers in order to play the game Space Invaders.
December 1980 13 Tightrope Walk Machine Code A reaction tester game in machine code for the MK14.
  62 More Machine Code Machine Code A review of the book More Machine Code.
  68 Microlink Machine Code A constructional article to build a light pen for the MK14.
January 1981 16 NASCOM Renumber Machine Code A machine code utility to renumber a BASIC program on the NASCOM microcomputer.
  36 Chess Recorder Machine Code A machine code program to record up to 59 moves during a game of chess. These may then be stored/retrieved to/from cassette tape.
  52 Triton Data Machine Code A provides a READ/DATA facility for Triton BASIC.
  74 Microlink Machine Code A hardware project to put the cassette recorder motor under program control.
February 1981 12 Uncovering the Z80 Machine code A description of the Z80 architecture and another 88 'hidden' instructions alnog with examples.
  20 Microlink Machine Code A constructional article for a simple alarm clock which can be attached to any computer with a suitable port.Includes connection details for the Sinclair MK-14 and the Acorn System 1 along with demonstartion machine code programs.
  28 Screen Scroll Machine code A machine code routine to scroll only the bottom four lines of the screen.
  30 React O'Time Machine code A basic reaction timing game. A character appears on screen and a clock starts and stops when you press the correct character on the keyboard. The program tests for cheating.
  63 Joystick Controls Machine code A constructional article with accompanying machine code programs to allow the attachment of analogue joystick to the NASCOM 1 computer.
March 1981 15 Life on a 6800 Machine Code A version of Conway's Life program written in 6800 machine code.
  28 6502 Programming Course Machine Code The first installment in a comprehensive series about programming the 6502 microprocessor.
  49 NASCOM Titles Machine Code A routine to make sure that a program title stays at the top of the screen and survives a clear screen command.
  51 Micron Clock Machine Code A routine to create an interrupt driven real time clock on the Tangerine Micron.
  56 Using the NASCOM 2 Machine Code Information and utilities to do with the storage of BASIC programs on the NASCOM 2 computer.
April 1981 15 Fast Plotter Machine Code A fast graph plotting routine written in machine code for the TRS-80. It uses a BASIC program to poke the machine code into memory.
  55 Tape Librarian Machine Code Allows the creation and manipulation of a library of tapes for NASCOM computers.
  65 6502 Programming Course Machine Code The second part of a comprehensive series on programming the 6502 microprocessor.
May 1981 27 Multi-Purpose Interface Machine Code A hardware constructional project to provide up to 64 latched outputs from the NASCOM PIO ports. Example machine code and BASIC programs are included for driving the add-on.
  73 6502 Programming Course Machine Code Third in the 6502 programming series focuses on practical programming examples for the PET.
June 1981 21 Single Key BASIC Machine Code A machine code program for the UK101 to allow single key input of BASIC keywords.
  33 6502 Programming Course Machine Code Programming the PET user port using 6502 machine code.
  73 Array Loader Machine Code A machine code routine to load BASIC arrays from tape for the TRITON.
July 1981 59 Zalambdodont Machine Code A calculator that performs arithmetic and Boolean operations on binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, ASCII and Boolean values.
August 1981 19 Cubik Machine Code A text-based simulation of the Rubik's Cube puzzle.
  45 Saving BASIC String Arrays Machine Code A dump string variable routine from NASCOM BASIC.
  46 Precision Timing Facilities for the Z-80 Machine Code An accurate timer for Z-80 based computers.
  53 Microlink Machine Code A sound effects add-on based on the SN76477N IC.
September 1981 21 Getting into Print Machine Code Getting an Epson MX80 printer working with the Exidy Sorcerer.
  27 Compactor Machine Code A program to compact NASCOM BASIC programs.
  46 PET Lister Machine Code A machine code program to change a program listing to change the awkward PET graphic codes to Computing Today standard codes, eg. [CLS] instead of the reverse field heart for Clear Screen.
October 1981 29 Line Plotter Machine Code Allows lines to be drawn between two points using the Microtan's chunky graphics characters.
  39 Non-Stop PET Machine Code A machine code routine to allow program resumption after the STOP key has been pressed.
  39 NASCOM Sumchecker Machine Code Calculates checksums for entered machine code programs to check entry is correct.
  77 Uncrashing Compukit Machine Code Suggestions about how to recover a crashed BASIC program on the UK101. Some Zero page locations are given.
  77 UK101 Tape Verification Machine Code A macine code routine to provide a verify feature for tape saves on the UK101.
November 1981 16 Memtest Machine code A memory test program for the Microtan 65.
  25 Microlink Machine Code A hardware device and simple driver programs to provide a source of random numbers for a range of microcomputers.
  61 Tandy - Genie Conversions Machine Code A machine code utility to upgrade the TRS-80 performance to provide features found in the Video Genie.
December 1981 016 Screenprint Machine Code A screen copy to printer routine for the Exidy Sorcerer.
  022 Atomic Particles Machine Code Reoutines for a simple text editor and a simple 'front panel'.
  061 Making Music Machine Code A description of how a sound facility can be added to the TRS-80 or Video Genie.
  105 K-DOS Machine Code A description of how to change the DOS on a NASCOM computer.
February 1982 68 Auto Number Machine Code A machine code program to add an AUTO function to NASCOM's BASIC.
May 1982 29 The Argus Machine Code The second part of the construction and programming of a security system based on the Acorn System 1.
June 1982 27 A Voting Loader Machine Code A method of loading a program three times and having software vote on which of the loaded bytes are accurate. Written in 6502 machine code for the UK101 with a CEGMON monitor.
  57 NAS Draw Machine Code A utility to save screen drawings on the NASCOM computer.
July 1982 21 BASIC on Display Machine Code A machine code program to display the contents of the BASIC scratchpad RAM for the TRS-80 computer.
  28 Bomb Run Machine Code A version of the Bomber game written for the NASCOM 1 computer in machine code.
  39 Display Planner Machine Code A machine code program for the NASCOM2 computer to read the screen coordinates of the current cursor position.
  40 Atom Saver Machine Code A machine code routine on the Acorn Atom computer to continue a BASIC program once it has been stopped.
  66 NASCOM Utility Machine Code How to add extra commands to NASCOM BASIC.
August 1982 62 Video Dump Machine Code A machine code routine to dump the VDU screen to printer written for the TRS-80 or the Video Genie.
September 1982 21 Exidy Editor Machine Code A machine code program to provide a screen editor for the Exidy Sorcerer computer.
  30 Case Convertor Machine Code Provide both upper and lower case letters on the TRS-80 computer.
October 1982 41 TBUG from BASIC Machine Code A method of gaining access to the TRS-80 monitor program from BASIC.
  46 Mini-Calc Machine Code A mini spreadsheet program written in machine code for the NASCOM computer using only 2K RAM.
November 1982 28 Converting Mini-Calc Machine Code Methods for converting the Mini-Calc program from October 1982 to run on other computer systems.
  32 Commodore Communications Machine Code A machine code program to allow two Commodore computers exchange data via the user ports.
  52 Tandy Array Dump Machine Code Using arrays to speed up data storage on tape.
  69 VIC Editor Machine Code A machine code program to make the VIC screen bigger - up to 26 x 32.
January 1983 70 Cheap Print Machine Code The software needed to interface a Creed Teletypwriter to a NASCOM computer system.
February 1983 66 NASCOM Find Machine Code A machine code routine to search for a given command in a NASCOM BASIC program.
  84 Chilotux Machine Code A letter matching game for the TRS-80 written in machine code.
April 1983 20 NASPEN Append Machine Code A machine code utility written for the NASCOM 3 which will append ZEAP assembler source files to the NASPEN text editor.
  25 FROGLET Machine Code A machine code version of the arcade game Frogger written for the BBC micro.
  92 Lower Case UK101 Machine Code A short machine code routine to convert uppercase screen output to lower case for the UK101.
June 1983 20 Micro Interruptions Machine Code A look at interrupts generated on Z80 systems.
  26 Making Music Machine Code A method of using the ACIA in the UK101 to generate musical notes. Written in machine code for speed.
  67 Updating Froglet Machine Code Corrections and updates to the Froglet program from the April 1983 issue.
July 1983 23 Genie Space Saver Machine Code A machine code program to strip out REM statements from a BASIC program.
August 1983 20 Micro Interruptions Machine Code The use of interrupts in a machine code game, Space Invaders, on the NASCOM 2.
October 1983 32 Non-Destructive Microtan Cursor Machine Code Adding a non-destructive cursor to Microtan BASIC. Written in machine code.
  81 Improved VIC Editor Machine Code An improvement to the VIC Editor program presented in the November 1982 issue.
November 1983 28 Rescuing Source Code Machine Code A machine code utility for the TRS-80 or Video Genie computers torescue the source code from a corrupted assembler program.
December 1983 18 Mikro Magic Machine Code A review of the Mikro Assembler for the Commodore C-64 computer.
  38 MCBAS Converter Machine Code A machine code routine to convert machine code programs to BASIC DATA statements which can be POKEd into memory.
January 1984 24 The Programmer's Aid Machine Code A machine code routine to provide single key entry for BASIC keywords on the TRS-80.
  29 Some Notes on the Apple Machine Code Routines written in 6502 mchaine code to output notes via I/O ports on the Apple II.
  44 Named Files for NAS-SYS Machine Code A routine for the NASCOM to name machine code files to make finding and loading them easier from tape.
  63 TRS-80 Screen Editor Machine Code A machine code routine for a full-screen BASIC editor for the TRS-80.
February 1984 33 Colour Genie Monitor Machine Code A comprehensive machine code monitor written for the Colour Genie. Z80 code.
  51 Some Notes on the Apple Machine Code Part two of a look at producing music on the Apple II using machine code.
  64 Program Recovery on the Commodore 64 Machine Code A hardware and programming article which provides for a Reset Switch for the Commodore 64 computer.
March 1984 17 Easy Code Part 1 Machine Code A series of articles explaining how to program in machine code using a BASIC simulator.
  43 Genie Utilities Machine Code A routine for the Video Genie which can extend the usefulness of machine code programming.
April 1984 26 Easy Code Part 2 Machine Code A series of articles explaining how to program in machine code using a BASIC simulator.
  68 Disassembly Techniques Machine Code A look at disassembly output on the BBC micro.
May 1984 54 Extending the 64's BASIC Machine Code A description of how to add extra keywords to the Commodore 64's BASIC.
  63 Upgrading your WP Machine Code A description of an add-on utility for the Nascom NASPENword processor.
  87 Z80 Text Compactor Machine Code Encoding and decoding routines in Z80 assembler to compress and decompress text.
  93 Word-Wrapping Machine Code A machine code routine for BBC Microcomputers with OS1.2 and the Acorn Electron to format word-wrapped text on screen.
June 1984 24 Easy Code Part 4 Machine Code A series of articles explaining how to program in machine code using a BASIC simulator.
  37 Extending the 64's BASIC Part 2 Machine Code A machine code program to extend the Commodore 64's BASIC.
  46 The Leech Machine Code A machine Code routine for the ZX Spectrum which will upload BASIC code developed on another, more able system.
  51 Interrupts Machine Code A look at using interrupts from machine code under NAS-SYS4 on the NASCOM.
  64 Search and Replace Machine Code A machine code routine to provide a search and replace facility for Commodore BASIC programs.
July 1984 41 Extending the 64's BASIC Machine Code Part three in the series looking at how to add new keywords to the Commodore 64's BASIC.
August 1984 28 Genie Sprites Machine Code A program to allow sprite use and manipulation on the Video Genie computer
  33 New Text for Old Machine Code A machine code proportional spacing routine for screen text on the BBC micro or Acorn Electron computer
  41 Screen Scroller Machine Code A machine code program to provide graphics windows for any Z80 based computer. Specifically written for the TRS-80
  67 Extending the 64's BASIC Machine Code Part 4 of the series on extending the Commodore 64's BASIC
September 1984 46 Extending the 64's BASIC Part 5 Machine Code A machine code program to extend the Commodore 64's BASIC.
  52 Machine Code the Easy Way Machine Code A review of New Generation's Complete Machine Code Tutor.
  56 TRS-80 Arraysave Machine Code A machine code routine written for the TRS-80 or Video Genie which will save arrays and their contents.
October 1984 51 Negative Thoughts Machine Code A machine code routine to provide inverse characters on screen and non-alphabetic characters.
  55 NAS-SYS Printing Machine Code A simple method of getting NAS-SYS screens to a printer.
November 1984 21 Memory Moves Machine Code Methods of moving large amounts of memory in the TRS-80 and Video Genie computers.
  73 MTX Toolbox Machine Code Routines to produce hi-res screen dumps and to recover from crashes for MTX computers.
January 1985 35 MTX Life Machine Code Conway's game of Life written in machine code for the Memotech MTX500 computer.
  38 NASCOM Stringsave Machine Code A machine code routine to save strings and/or string arrays on the NASCOM computer.
  58 Readable Commodore Listings Machine Code A program to automate listing a Commodore 64 BASIC program using the CT standard cursor codes rather than the proprietary ones used by the C64.
February 1985 18 Entering the Dragon Machine Code A look at the use of interrupts on the Dragon 32 computer.
  38 BBC Machine Code Monitor Machine Code An implementation of a machine code monitor program for the BBC micro computer.
  59 BBC Passwords Machine Code The use of passwords on the BBC microcomputer.
April 1985 37 Random Refresh Machine Code About generating random numbers in Z80 machine code.
  60 Orange with Stability Machine Code A routine for getting round the Dragon 32 green screen.
June 1985 57 Saving Space Machine Code Remove line feeds from a listing using this machine code routine.
July 1985 32 The Arnor Maxam Machine code A review of the Arnor Mxam assembler program for the Amstrad CPC464
September 1985 16 The Code Machine Machine code A review of Picturesque's Assembler/Monitor for the CPC464.
  35 Algorithm Angles Machine Code A look at relocatable programs.


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